About Us

Welcome to our website,

We are so pleased that you have taken the time to visit and find out about our fantastic product: the All In One Wine Pump!

My name is Steve; I am the owner and creator of the All In One Wine Pump. An avid winemaker with over 19 years experience; like most of us I started making wine with a friend. While our early wines were drinkable, they were often consumed too early and were slightly ‘sparkling’ because of improper degassing techniques.

When I decided to start making the best wines possible, one of the flaws I knew I had to address was degassing. Stirring with a spoon was time and labor intensive, and using a drill introduced oxygen into the new wine, encouraging oxidization. I knew the key was transferring under a vacuum, as it creates an environment that does not allow excess oxygen to come in contact with the wine.

Using my Master Mechanic’s training, I started experimenting on anything I could find that might fit the bill: I wanted an oil-less pump, which was slim enough to be used anywhere, and which had sufficient LPM and inches of vacuum to do the job properly. This pump is a custom design, as there is nothing else like it available.  I wanted it to be able to degass while transferring wine and to be used for bottling.

It had to be user-friendly, so I color coded all of the connecting pieces making it easy to assemble, even for those who are less mechanically inclined. I also made most of the composite pieces from plastic so that it would be easy to clean. Mrs. Steve created the artwork on the front of the pump, making it’s apperance something you could be proud to show your friends and family.

My finished product is what you see here today. Over the past 12 years it has become an essential piece of equipment not only in my wine room, but in many across the US and Canada. I couldn’t be more proud of the response it has had in the winemaking community! (To see more feedback from our customers, please click here.)

The All In One Wine Pump will transfer your 6 gallon carboy in just 4 minutes. It will fill standard 750mL bottles in 15 seconds to a consistent height and with no overfilling. I ensured that a filtering system could easily be attached as part of the setup, as filtering your wine gives it sparkling clarity for a professional look.

One of the comments you will see over and over about the All In One is that it is perfect for those with limited physical ability. There is no more need to lift heavy carboys onto the counter because racking under a vacuum means that you can rack your carboys or bottle your wine while the carboys are sitting on the floor – no more heavy lifting.

All In One has a 30 day money back guarantee and a full 1 year limited warranty. I am here for my customers via phone or email anytime they have questions – or just want to talk about their love of winemaking!

Please use the links below to view more of the website.  I hope to speak with you soon about how the All In One Wine Pump can become an integral part of your winemaking process.




All In One Packages



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More about Steve:

Steve (vacuumpumpman) is a Master Mechanic with over 30 + years experience. He is an active supporter of the winemaking community on www.winemakingtalk.com and other websites. The All In One Wine pump company is a family-run business where Steve teaches his children the value of hard work and honesty. Steve and his family are proud supporters of Boy Scouts, with their eldest son achieving the status of Eagle Scout in October.

Scout Law:

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.